Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What to Blog??

Here I am sitting here figuring out what I want to blog about.  This is my very first post.. So much pressure! Do I want to write about turning my lifestyle around? or maybe vent about work? Or maybe my addiction on Star Wars and Star Trek. Yep, I said it. I L O V E both movies!! I'm totally not ashamed of it.

Hmmm, well, I could start with my lifestyle.  What I mean about that, is my health. High on cholesterol and starting to really gain weight.  I love food And absolutely hate exercising. Not a good combination, huh? 😳

I just had my physical exam the other day and yep! High cholesterol.  The doctor said these dreaded words... Exercise.....  Diet.....  😥

So now the wheels are turning in my head. What to do. I have an Xbox, maybe I should get a good game that would involve exercise.  Like the kinect Zumba, or something like that.  That just might be fun. I hope. I'll just have to get it and I'll let you know how that goes.

Now the diet part. Ugh, how can a person diet when they love food?? I've looked at the hearts association site and my eyes are literally crossed with all the info. Didn't see anything I liked right away, so I left. I'll have to go back and check it out again. Give it a shot. I'm pretty sure there are lots of yummy food for cholesterol. I just have to try.  Any of ya'll have any ideas??

If you have any fun ideas on exercise and great food, do please let me know!

Thanks for reading this and hope everyone has a great day!!

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